Shipping/Delivery policy
We use the logistics services of our trusted vendor, and all orders are shipped directly from our warehouse, M/s Good Choice India, located at Plot No. 55, Mahila Udyami Park-1, Ecotech III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201306.
Confirmed orders will be shipped within 1-2 working days. Once shipped, they'll be delivered to you within 2-5 working days. Estimated delivery time may change due to the customer’s geographical location, shipping destination, product availability and courier partner’s delivery time & location.
Delivering the goods intact with high level of security is difficult and even difficult when you are trying to optimise the cost as much as possible to deliver the goods at super affordable prices and hence we use flat shipping charges policy and doesn't contain any hidden charges. Please refer below for the exact rates throughout India. (Please note we don't deliver outside India and hence the shipping charges should be taken solely for Indian Delivery purposes.)
Prepaid Orders
Shipping Fees ₹50
COD (Cash on Delivery) Orders
COD Fees - ₹40
+ Shipping Fees ₹50
The minimum charges are mentioned above, but the final amount depends on your order total and quantity.
In case of one or more defective products in your order, please read our refund and return policy.
Customers are advised not to accept tampered or damaged shipments.